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Peter Swinkels Wed Nov 3 2021 at 5:34 am Recording and playing sound in Quick Basic
First the recording part:
Browsing through the sample code proviced on this website I found these snippets in "sndrec.asm":
mov dx,BASEADDR+00Ch
in al,dx
or al,al
js loopWait
If I understand the code correctly, it is meant to ensure a consistent recording speed regardless of the CPU speed. Correct?
I also found this code at another website:
I believe the examples provided there neglected to implement the speed control code posted above. Correct?
Now the play back part, this Quick Basic plays a single sample:
OUT CommAddr, &H10 'Give command to output a byte
OUT CommAddr, Byte(i) 'Output value
but there is no way to control the speed. How do I ensure samples are played back at a CPU independent speed?